12 Signs Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning

It's important to be aware of the signs that your air ducts need cleaning. These can include visible dirt and debris, mold presence inside or outside your HVAC system, unstable or poor airflow in the house, and infestation of insects, rodents and other vermin in air ducts. But what's worse, dirty air ducts can endanger your health and well-being. Keep reading for 12 signs that your air duct needs to be cleaned. The grille is the window that gives access to an air duct from the wall.

Your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system will blow cold or warm air through these vents into the rooms of your house. Every month, take a walk around your house and look closely at each of the ventilation covers. If you notice a significant accumulation of dirt or debris, there are likely to be blockages or contaminants in the ducts. Dirty vents are a clear sign that the air ducts are dirty. If you notice an odor when you're near vents or other heating, ventilation, and air conditioning components, it's time to clean them.

You can clean the air ducts yourself with a strong vacuum and a few brushes if you only need basic cleaning.

12 Signs Your Air Ducts Need Cleaning

1.Visible dirt and debris2. Mold presence inside or outside your HVAC system3. Unstable or poor airflow in the house4. Infestation of insects, rodents and other vermin in air ducts5. Dirty vents6. Unpleasant odors near vents7. Dusty furniture8. High energy bills9. Allergies or respiratory problems10. Excessive dust in the house11. Uneven cooling or heating in different rooms12. Excessive noise from the HVAC system


If you notice any of these signs, it's time to clean your air ducts. Cleaning them yourself is possible if you only need basic cleaning, but for more complex jobs it's best to hire a professional HVAC technician.

Katie Gholston
Katie Gholston

Unapologetic music aficionado. Unapologetic social media ninja. Total bacon aficionado. Certified foodaholic. Certified pop culture geek.